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Marketing – Cookie Policy

What is the purpose of this policy?

VIDEORUNRUN, which manages the website www.videorunrun.com, places great importance on the confidentiality of your data, whether it concerns cookies or personal data, as they are a guarantee of our seriousness and trust.
The cookie policy aims to explain why we use cookies and other trackers when you browse our site www.videorunrun.com.

However, this cookie policy only concerns the processing related to the placement of cookies and trackers. For other processing that we carry out, please refer to our data privacy policy accessible at any time on our website www.videorunrun.com.

What is a cookie and what is its purpose?

Cookies and other trackers are small “text” files placed and hosted by a server on your smartphone, tablet, or computer when you visit a website.

Cookies do not allow you to be personally identified but identify your device (e.g., smartphone, tablet, etc.) via your IP address and various information related to your browsing (e.g., browsing duration, pages viewed, etc.) in order to:

– Remember your identifier to recognize you when you log in again on a website and to retain your choices (e.g., languages, cookie refusals, keeping your cart, etc.).

-Track and analyze your use of a website for statistical purposes to improve your experience and provide a service tailored to your needs.

– Allow optimal navigation and use of a website.

– Analyze your use of a website to provide you with advertising tailored to your needs, either on this website or on other websites.

For more information on this subject, you can visit the following websites: www.cnil.fr, www.allaboutcookies.org, and www.youronlinechoices.eu.

Why do we use “cookies” and for how long?

When you connect to our website www.videorunrun.com, we place cookies on your device only for the following reasons and based on the following grounds:

– Technical cookies that allow the use of our site www.videorunrun.com securely based on our legitimate interest in offering you a quality website.

– Technical cookies that enable the operation of videos broadcast on our site www.videorunrun.com based on your prior consent.

– Statistical cookies that allow us to know your use of our site (e.g., viewing duration of a page, pages viewed, etc.) based on your prior consent to provide you with a tailored and quality service.

– Statistical cookies recognized by the CNIL as fully compliant with the GDPR and therefore exempt from consent. These statistical cookies allow us to know your use of our site www.videorunrun.com (e.g., viewing duration of a page, pages viewed, etc.) based on our legitimate interest in providing you with a tailored and quality service.

– Third-party cookies that allow us to deliver advertising related to our services in an adapted and adequate manner on other websites based on your prior consent.

– Third-party cookies that identify the source of your visit to our website to improve our service daily based on your prior consent.

In any case, the cookies placed, regardless of their nature, are retained for a maximum duration of 13 months from their installation and are only renewed upon a new connection to our website at the expiration of this period. If you want more details on the usage durations of our cookies, do not hesitate to contact us at dpo@dipeeo.com.

What control do you have over these “cookies”?

You cannot object to the placement of technical cookies as they are necessary for the proper functioning of our website, which would otherwise potentially become unusable.

As stated previously, this exception does not apply to technical cookies placed on your device to operate videos. In this specific case, the placement of cookies is only possible if you have given your prior consent.

Additionally, as explained earlier, we also use statistical cookies that the CNIL considers sufficiently protective to not require your prior consent for their legal use. For more information on this subject, you can visit the dedicated CNIL page accessible here.

However, in addition to the rights detailed in our privacy policy, you obviously have the right to refuse or withdraw your consent for all other types of cookies to be installed on your device.

The right to refuse cookies can be exercised at any time using our cookie banner. If the cookie banner no longer appears, you can also set the cookies directly on your browser by following these instructions: Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Firefox, and Opera.

Who can you contact for more information?

To best guarantee the protection and integrity of your data, we have officially appointed an independent Data Protection Officer (“DPO”) with our supervisory authority.

You can contact our DPO at any time and free of charge at dpo@dipeeo.com for more information or details on how we process your data.

How can you contact the CNIL?

You can contact the French “Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés” or “CNIL” at any time at the following contact details: CNIL Complaints Service, 3 Place de Fontenoy – TSA 80751, 75334 Paris Cedex 07, or by phone at

Can the policy be modified?

We may modify our cookie policy at any time to adapt to new legal requirements and new processing activities we may implement in the future. You will, of course, be informed of any changes to this policy.

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